Media release

Drug Detector Dogs Do It Again - Darwin Airport


A two week operation targeting drug trafficking to remote communities has wrapped up with Drug Detector Dogs sniffing out more than $300,000 worth of illegal drugs.

During Operation ‘ Bristol’, which ended on Friday, Drug Detector Dogs (DDD) screened 237 flights and about 3,800 passengers allowing Police to make significant seizures.

In total the DDD lead police to 71 different seizures amounting to just over 2.9 kilograms of cannabis, almost 14 kg of Kava and a small quantity of cocaine.

Police also seized alcohol that was bound for remote communities.

At the conclusion of the operation:

  • 71 passengers were detected in the possession of illicit substances;
  • Four people were arrested and charged with possession of a trafficable quantity of cannabis and unlawfully supplying cannabis;
  • 12 people will be summonsed to appear in court for unlawfully supplying cannabis, and;
  • A further 43 people were issued with Drug Infringement Notices.

Detective Senior Sergeant Clint Sims said officers from all the Territory’s Substance Abuse Intelligence Desks and Dog Operation Units teamed up with Remote Community Drug Desk Detectives for the intensive operation which targeted drug traffickers’ intent on exploiting our remote communities.

Detective Senior Sergeant Sims said most of the drugs seized were destined for the Groote Eylandt, Maningrida and Wadeye communities.

“People have gone to considerable effort to conceal the drugs in an attempt to avoid detection but clearly that was a waste of their time,” Detective Senior Sergeant Sims said.

“If sold in remote communities as planned, the seized cannabis had a value of in excess of $297,000 and the seized Kava had a value of at least $14,000.”

Despite the wrap up of the operation, Detective Senior Sergeant Sims said Police would not stop in their effort to keep remote communities free of abusive substances.

“We will continue to randomly search flights bound for all remote communities in the NT so if you are inclined to risk it, rest assured you will meet us or one of our dogs very soon,” he said.

Police would like to thank staff from Hardy Aviation, Airnorth, Fly Tiwi, Murin Air and Vincent Aviation for their cooperation and assistance which ensured the operation was a success.