Media release

Youths Arrested on Drugs and Stealing Offences


Tennant Creek Police have arrested two male youths after being alerted to a ‘drive off’ from the Renner Springs Roadhouse. Police stopped the car on the outskirts of the town yesterday afternoon and immediately noticed two one metre tall cannabis plants in the rear of the vehicle.

Acting Superintendent Craig Barrett from the Tennant Creek and Barkly Division said it was unusual for people transporting cannabis to do so in such a visual way.

“Our officers were rather surprised to find the plants, still in their pots, sitting in the footwell of the rear seats.  No attempt had been made to hide them and they were in plain view of anyone standing next to the car.”

Further investigations by Police discovered the Toyota Camry had been reported stolen from Palmerston on Sunday night.

Acting Superintendent Barrett said the youths, aged 17 and 15, were also being investigated in relation to the theft of fuel from petrol stations in Palmerston and Katherine.

“It would appear that the young men have committed a string of offences on their way south.  We are in the process of determining the rightful owners of items found in the car including a jerry can and a portable navigation system.”

Both youths have been charged with several offences including Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Motor Vehicle, Stealing, Possession of Cannabis and Drive Unlicensed.  The 17 year-old also faces a charge of Aggravated Assault in relation to a separate incident.

Both will face the Tennant Creek Magistrates Court this morning.