Media release

Operation Cowboy Comes to a Halt - Tennant Creek


After a four week long crackdown on property crime in Tennant Creek, Operation Cowboy has come to an end with an impressive number of offenders dealt with.

Constable Colin Jenkinson from Tennant Creek Police said the operation, which ran from 23 January to 17 February, has been a resounding success.

·        32 suspects have been interviewed

·        22 prosecution / youth consideration files are being prepared

·        Offenders from 10 unlawful entries have been identified.

“I believe the success of the operation was due to the partnerships made between Police and members of the community,” Constable Jenkinson said.

“We had numerous people come forward to provide us with vital information over the course of the operation. Whilst I thank them for their assistance, I urge people to continue contacting Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 if they witness any suspicious behaviour.

“Police have a zero tolerance approach to property crime, and as a result, we will continue to put the pressure on those who have been identified as property crime offenders. I also urge home and business owners to take security into their own hands and always be sure to lock up, use deadlocks where possible and hide valuables out of sight.”


Media Contact
Amy Sloan