Media release

Man Arrested for Kicking Woman, Hitting Her with Tyre Lever - Alice Springs


An Alice Springs man will remain in Police custody until early next month after being charged with multiple offences, including kicking a woman in the head and bashing her with a tyre lever.

Detective Sergeant Janelle Snigg said the 42-year-old was drinking with a woman at Trucking Yards Camp in early December when, without provocation, he kicked her twice to the head.

“The 39-year-old woman received a laceration to her forehead,” Detective Sergeant Snigg said.

“About two weeks later the pair was again drinking together at Larapinta Valley Camp when, at about 5am, the man armed himself with a tyre lever and struck the woman to the back of the head.

“The blow resulted in a large laceration to the back of her head.”

Detective Sergeant Snigg said Police and the community do not tolerate physical violence against women.

“This was an unprovoked attack. Police and the community view this type of violence against women as utterly unacceptable,” she said.

The man was arrested on Wednesday before being charged with:

Aggravated Assault (x2);

Engage in Conduct that Contravenes DVO (x2), and;

Armed with Offensive Weapon at Night.

The man was remanded in custody and is due to appear in court in Alice Springs on March 2.

Media Contact

Gina Wilson

8985 8837