Media release

Man Arrested for Stabbing Woman Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police have charged a man with multiple offences after he allegedly breaking into a woman’s house before stabbing her seven times with a large kitchen knife.

Senior Sergeant Travis Wurst said the man went to the 41-year-old woman’s house in the early hours of yesterday morning.

“He broke into the woman’s house and a fight has ensued. The woman received multiple stab wounds to the leg from a kitchen knife,” Senior Sergeant Wurst said.

“The woman managed to flee to a neighbour's house where Police and St John Ambulance was called.”

The woman was conveyed to the Alice Springs Hospital.

Senior Sergeant Wurst said the man was yesterday arrested and charged with:

Recklessly endanger serious harm;

Unlawful entry;

Breach a domestic violence order;

Use a controlled weapon at night;

Assault a woman.

Senior Sergeant Wurst said this was an unprovoked attack on a woman.

“This type of violence against women is just totally unacceptable.”

He was bail refused and will appear in the court in Alice Springs today.


Media Contact

Gina Wilson

8985 8837