Media release

Police Officers Assaulted - Malak


Two Northern Territory Police Officers received minor injuries, with one Officer having her shirt ripped off, in an incident at the Malak Oval.

Watch Commander Greg Pusterla said Police were doing a patrol around the oval at about midday when they noticed a group of people drinking alcohol.

“Two Police Officers attempted to tip out the alcohol however they were set upon by a group of about seven or eight people,” Senior Sergeant Pusterla said.

“The female Officer whose shirt was ripped off was also hit with a stick and suffered a blood nose while another Officer received scratching and bruising

“Both Officers were conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital for their injuries.

“Police arrested two men, 23 and 18, and a 37-year-old woman for allegedly assaulting police offices. The trio remain in custody and will be interviewed later in relation to the incident.”

Senior Sergeant Pusterla said Police were appealing for witnesses to the incident.

“We would like to hear from any member of the public who witnessed this incident,” he said.

“Please contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.”

Media Contact

Gina Wilson

8985 8837