Media release

Drug Runner Not So Fast


A 32 year old Darwin male is today in Police custody after unsuccessfully attempting to outrun two Drug Squad Detectives last night at Mindil Beach.

Police had apprehended the male driving a sedan on Gilruth Avenue. After getting out of his vehicle the male is alleged to have grabbed a bag containing drugs from his car, farewelled Police and sprinted from the scene.

Superintendent Peter Schiller from the Drug and Organised Crime Squad said it is fair to assume the male was unaware the Officers he farewelled were trained defensive tactics instructors, both coming from a rugby league backgrounds.

“Police ran down the alleged offender, before finding a trafficable quantity of crystal methylamphetamine in the males possession.

“This seizure also led to a further trafficable quantity of the same drug being found and seized at a nearby residence.”

The male is currently assisting police with their enquiries and is expected to be charged today with possession and supply of methylampehtamine.