Media release

Trident strikes again. Property offenders arrested - Farrar


Members from Strike Force Trident have arrested and charged two males aged 16 and 18 in relation to a number of property offences in Palmerston.

Police executed a search warrant on a Farrar residence and recovered stolen property and a quantity of magic mushrooms.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the two offenders broke into and stole property from a number of vehicles. This occurred in Farrar during the early hours of Saturday morning.

“After consuming a quantity of magic mushrooms the two males allegedly entered the vehicles and stole a number of items including an IPad and an IPhone. They allegedly caused damage to several vehicles.

The two males have been charged with stealing, trespass, unlawful use of motor vehicle, criminal damage and other offences. The 18-year-old was remanded in custody and will appear in court tomorrow. The 16-year-old was bailed and will appear in court on 19 February.

“There is some stolen property that was found in their possession for which we have not determined owners. If any one has had a GPS, Camel Packs, solar mobile phone charger or gasmask stolen please call Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”