Media release

Aggravated Assault - Tiwi


Northern Territory Police are calling for public assistance following the aggravated assault of a 43 year-old female near Rocklands Drive, Tiwi, this morning.

Detective Superintendent James O’Brien said the woman was jogging on the dirt track adjacent to Rocklands Drive before stopping to conduct some static exercises when she was attacked around 4.20am.

“A male emerged from bushland and has allegedly struck her with a closed fist to the face.  The woman has screamed and ran off to a nearby residence seeking assistance.  The man ran away when the woman screamed.

"The man is described as dark skinned, of slight build and approximately 163 centimetres in height.  He is thought to be in his mid 20's, was wearing shorts and had a light blue t-shirt wrapped around his head at the time of the assault.”

Detective Superintendent O’Brien said it was important that the community as a whole send a clear message that this type of violence was unacceptable.

“We are asking if anyone was in the vicinity of Rocklands Drive and Tiwi Gardens Road around the time of the incident or has seen or heard anything since to please contact Police.”

Anyone with information can contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.