Media release

Operation Citalli - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police conducted a special operation in response to the weekends football match.

Superintendent Cathie Bennett said Operation Citalli involved a variety of Alice Springs based staff as well as a number of Officers from Darwin and remote area stations.

“An estimated 4200 people attended the game at Traeger Park on Saturday night and Police were generally pleased with the crowd’s behaviour.

“Police made 10 arrests and moved on 1,135 people and tipped out 312 litres of alcohol. A further 111 people were taken into protective custody with eight liquor infringement notices issued.

“The operation also saw 196 drivers breath tested with Police issuing seven infringement notices for traffic related offences.

“Police would like to thank everyone involved including other Government agencies, Non-Government Organisations and the private sector who helped make it a safe and enjoyable event.”