Media release

Firearms / Weapons Seized Following Theft Investigation


A 29 year-old man has been charged with 13 counts of stealing following an Investigation into the theft of several thousand dollars from a business in Palmerston. Serious Crime Squad Detectives conducted a search warrant at the home of the alleged suspect as part of the investigation and uncovered an arsenal of firearms and other weapons.

Commander Richard Bryson said a total of 29 firearms were seized.

“Included in the confiscated firearms were an Uzi machine gun, An AK-47 assault rifle, a military style sniper rifle, pistols and a sawn-off shotgun.  Other items seized included ammunition, cross bows, knifes and throwing stars.

“Many of the firearms were unsecured or unregistered and Police are conducting further inquires in relation to the firearms and the restricted, controlled and banned weapons.”

Commander Bryson said the man has been further charged with 25 counts of failing to meet storage requirements, 1 count of possessing a silencer, 3 counts of possessing a prohibited firearm and 5 counts of possessing prohibited weapons.

“Suburban homes are no place for assault rifles.  We are very happy to have removed this significant number of weapons from circulation.” Commander Bryson said.

The man has been remanded in custody and investigations into the theft of an estimated $23,000 are on-going.