Media release

Juvenile Offenders Charged


The eight alleged offenders apprehended following a ram-raid on a Howard Springs business have been charged with a combined 90 offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the group had been linked to a long list of crimes across Darwin, Palmerston and the rural area.

“Police will allege the juveniles have been on a staggering crime spree since Monday night and we are just thankful that no-one has been seriously injured or killed as a result of this kind of offending.

“It is of deep concern to Police that children who should be in the care of adults and attending school are out at all hours of the night committing an extensive amount of unlawful activity.

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said Strike Force Trident Members have been working through a raft of reported incidents resulting in charges being laid last night.

A 13 year-old male has been charged with:

  • 2 counts of aggravated unlawful entry
  • 3 counts of stealing
  • 2 counts of criminal damage
  • Unlawful use of a motor vehicle
  • Interfere with a motor vehicle

A 14 year-old male has been charged with:

  • 2 counts of aggravated unlawful entry
  • Stealing
  • Criminal Damage
  • Aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle
  • Unlawful possession of property
  • Possess cannabis
  • Breach bail

A 13 year-old male has been charged with:

  • 2 counts of Unlawful entry
  • 3 counts of stealing
  • Unlawful use of a motor vehicle
  • Criminal damage
  • Interfere with a motor vehicle
  • Drive vehicle in a manner dangerous
  • Drive unlicensed

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said the other 5 alleged offenders will be summonsed to appear in relation to the offending.

“Police estimate that over the three nights the children have stolen in excess of $14,000 of property and caused more than $10,600 worth of damage.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said the work done by Palmerston General Duties Officers in securing the arrest of the initial six alleged offenders yesterday was to be commended.

“It was excellent work by the Members and it has resulted in Police being able to link these children to other crimes over the past few days.”  

More charges are likely as Strike Force Trident Members continue to investigate.