Media release

Police Seize Grog Running Vehicle - Wurrumiyanga


Wurrumiyanga Police arrested three men for various offences, after receiving information from the public.

Acting Superintendent Michael Hebb said Police responded to information received in regards to the possession of drugs and alcohol within the remote community.

“Police conducted a road block and at around 10:50 last night, stopped a vehicle and conducted a search,” Acting Superintendent Hebb said.

“Two men, aged 31 and 41 returned breath alcohol content readings of 0.126% and 0.84% respectively.

“Police also seized 233 grams of cannabis, more than $700 in cash, six bottles of liquor, and the Nissan Patrol itself.

"The 31 and 41-year-olds were charged with drive medium range blood alcohol content. A 36-year-old man was charged with possess/supply trafficable quantity of schedule 2 dangerous drug and a 26-year-old male received a summons for bring liquor into a protected area.

“The seizure of this cannabis and alcohol will assist in preventing harm being caused to individuals, and to the broader community. This is particularly important as the Tiwi Grand Final is being played on Sunday, which will attract many people to the communities for the event.

“I would like to thank members of the public for continuing to assist us tackling the serious issue of supply drugs and ‘grog running’ in remote communities. Without their assistance, offences such as this may go undetected.”

Police urge anyone who may know of ‘grog running’ or the supply of drugs, or who may witness suspicious activity, to contact them on 131 444.