Media release

Operation Conqueror Arrest - Palmerston


Northern Territory Police in conjunction with the Australian Federal Police have arrested a 28 year-old man after a search warrant was conducted in Palmerston.

Detective Senior Constable First Class Corey Borton from the Online Child Exploitation Investigation Unit said lap-tops, computers and storage devices were seized during the search last week.

“Police will allege there were several hundred images of a disturbing and distressing nature found on the devices.

“We are appalled by this exploitation of children and will continue to pursue the people who distribute or possess this material with every resource available.” Detective Senior Constable First Class Borton said.

The man was taken into custody on Saturday and will appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court this morning charged with Possess Child Abuse Material.

Operation Conqueror is an Australia-wide investigation targeting online child predators allegedly involved in sharing and distribution of child exploitation material.

Australian Federal Police Manager Cyber Crime Operations Commander Glen McEwen said the AFP will continue to work relentlessly to prevent further distribution of this material.

“Every image is a crime scene. Every photograph captures an actual situation where a child has been abused.

“If you choose to view and circulate child abuse images, you will be investigated, pursued and charged, regardless of where you are located.” Commander McEwan said.

Police across Australia are committed to combating the exploitation of children and take the crimes of creating, possessing and distributing child abuse material very seriously.

Further information on Internet safety can be found at