Media release

Strike Force Vega Targets Property Offenders - Alice Springs


Members from Strike Force Vega have arrested four youths in relation to the unlawful entry of a school in East Side.

Detective Senior Sergeant Peter Malley said a 14-year-old female, two 14-year-old males and a 15-year-old male unlawfully entered the premises at around 4am, 24 March.

“Police will allege the four youths have gained entry via the main office area and have stolen a digital camera and number of food and drink items from the canteen.

“Members located the offenders on school grounds with one of the youths throwing the digital camera at the officer before fleeing.

“The offenders have taken photos of themselves while they were unlawfully on school grounds. After reviewing the contents of the digital camera Police were able to identify those involved.

“The four youths were arrested yesterday and charged with unlawful entry, damage to property and stealing. A 14-year-old male will appear in the Alice Springs Youth Justice Court today while the others have been bailed to appear at a later date.

In a separate incident Vega members arrested a 15-year-old male in relation to the unlawful entry of an Alice Springs Tennis complex.

“The alleged offender has forced his way into the venue but fled after an alarm was activated, Detective Senior Sergeant Malley said.

“Members arrested the youth early this morning after viewing CCTV footage. He was charged with unlawful entry and property damage. He will appear in the Alice Springs Youth Justice Court 2 April.

“Strike Force Vega has been active in Alice Springs for five weeks, during that time members have made 64 arrests in relation to over 170 offences.”