Media release

Search Continues for Missing Plane - Update


Northern Territory Police can confirm the body of a female has been located during the search for a missing light aircraft.

An air and sea search was launched last night by AMSA after reports a plane failed to reach its destination south of Darwin, after leaving Bullo River Station mid-yesterday afternoon.

On board were a 45-year-old man, his 53-year-old wife and their children aged 12 and 15.

“Late this afternoon a body was discovered washed up on a beach in the south of the search area near Cape Ford.” Said Acting Commander Mark Christopher.

“A forensics team is on its way to the site to recover the body in preparation for formal identification.”

“The search continues for the plane’s fuselage and passengers.”

“Up to eight aircraft and numerous vessels, including the NT Water Police, have been scouring the search area today and this is a tragic outcome.” Said Acting Commander Christopher.

“The search will continue tomorrow.”