Media release

Flood Event - Daly River - Update


The Flood Warning for the Daly River has been downgraded to Moderate as the river level slowly falls.

The river at Daly River Police Station is just below the major flood level (14.0m) and falling. It is estimated to approach 13.5m on the afternoon of Wednesday 10 April.

Regional Controller, Commander David Proctor said the latest flood advice from the Bureau of Meteorology predicts the water level will continue to fall and should reced below the moderate flood level of 13.1m on Thursday.

“This combined response is a credit to all agencies involved, in particularly the Victoria Daly Shire Council and all members of the Daly River community,” said Commander Proctor.

“The Local Counter Disaster Committee has been instrumental in providing advice and support to local residents, resulting in a successful whole of community response to this flood event.

“Thankfully the water is now receding, but residents are urged to keep themselves informed by continuing to talk with Local Counter Disaster Committee representatives, Water Police or NTES volunteers who are in the area.

“The water is still affecting some roads in the community. The Daly River Road remains closed at 5 Mile Creek and the community gates remain closed.  The only access to the community is via boat.

“NT Police urge drivers to carefully consider their options before trying to cross any flooded roadways. Trying to predict the water depth or not being able to see if the road is still intact could have fatal consequences.

Police reminded people to remain vigilant in flood waters due to many dangers, including submerged objects and floating debris.

“As we saw yesterday with a family of five people pulled from the river after their boat became inundated in the strong current, with the Daly in flood, it is impossible to tell the depth or speed of the water.

It is important the public remain vigilant regarding croc awareness with the excess water increasing the likelihood of crocodiles entering waterways.

For information on crocodiles, visit