Media release

Strike Force Trident Apprehend 500 Offenders


Strike Force Trident, which commenced operations in September last year, has now seen the apprehension of more than 500 people, for more than 1,800 offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the operation continues to be a great success, due to the hard work of all the members involved.

“Trident was established to target recidivist property crime offenders, 77% of the people we have arrested are hardcore repeat offenders,” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said.

“Since it’s inception on 18 September 2012, Strike Force Trident have seen the arrest of 426 people, charged with 1,895 offences. Members also summonsed a further 82 people.

“Strike Force Trident members have arrested 227 people and summonsed a further 46 this year alone. In the last 48 hours, 10 of those people were arrested for a number of offences, including aggravated assault, stealing, criminal damage and aggravated unlawful entry.

“Our efforts to date have seen a significant decrease in property related crime in the Darwin, Palmerston and rural areas. We will continue to be unrelenting in bringing these offenders before the court.

“We are very pleased with our results to date. More than 500 bad guys apprehended for a range of serious offending in just over 6 months is an excellent result by any standards.”