Media release

Drug Charges - Karama


Two men aged 27 and 31 will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court today one charged with possession of Methamphetamines and the other with breach of bail.

Detective Sergeant Matt Akers said members from Strike Force Trident executed a search warrant at a residence in Karama yesterday.

“During the search Police seized a less than trafficable quantity of methamphetamine, a used drug utensil and a stolen laptop.

“When Police arrived at the residence one of the offenders allegedly grabbed a stash of methamphetamines off the table and ran to the bathroom.  He flushed some of the drugs but Police were able to recover an amount of what we believe to be methamphetamine.

“The 27-year-old was arrested yesterday and charged with possession of Methamphetamines, possess thing to administer a dangerous drug, destroy evidence and unlawful possession of property.”