Media release

Crime Spree - Two Youths Charged - Darwin


Members from Strike Force Trident have arrested a 13-year-old female and 14-year-old male in relation to a crime spree totalling $60,000.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the two alleged offenders unlawfully entered a residence in Nakara and stole a Toyota Avalon and Mazda Astina on 9 May.

“The two offenders have then attended the Mindil Beach Markets later that evening and allegedly stole a Holden Commodore.

“Police will allege the offenders drove the Toyota and Mazda to service stations in Coolalinga and Casuarina and stole two separate quantities of fuel on 10 May.

“The offenders allegedly unlawfully entered a residence in Alawa and stole a Mini Cooper as well as a range of electronic items, sporting gear and alcohol on 12 May.

“All four vehicles were recovered by Police after being damaged and abandoned. The youths were arrested by members from Strike Force Trident on 15 May.”

They have been charged with stealing (x10), aggravated unlawful use of amotor vehicle (x8), drive unlicensed (x8), aggravated enter dwelling with intent (x4), unlawful damage to property (x2).

They will appear in the Darwin Youth Justice Court tomorrow.

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said, “Thieves are out there breaking into houses looking for car keys to steal vehicles. Too many people are making it too easy for them. If you don’t want to be the next victim, secure your house and put your car keys were burglars won’t get them.”