Media release

Search and rescue results in summons


A 60 year-old man has been summonsed for putting an unsafe vessel to sea following a search and rescue operation in Darwin harbour yesterday.

Senior Sergeant Paul Faustmann from the Water Police Section said the 11 metre catamaran with two people on board had to be rescued twice in two days.

“On Tuesday the vessel was towed by the harbour Pilot boat to Fannie Bay after reporting rudder problems.  During the night the catamaran has slipped anchor and again drifted into the harbour.”

Senior Sergeant Faustmann said the 60 year-old skipper contacted authorities for assistance but was unable to give Water Police any indication of his current position.

“Police were able to talk the man through steps to obtain a GPS reading from his mobile phone which indicated his approximate position as 5 nautical miles off Charles Point.

“The PV Darwin River located the catamaran but due to unfavourable conditions and the fact they would have become a hazard to shipping it was safer to tow the vessel to sheltered waters off Mandorah where a full safety check was carried out.

“Officers found the skipper to be without a set of marine nautical charts, navigational aids and very little local knowledge of Darwin harbour.

“The 60 year-old man and a 58 year-old female have suffered no injuries and are now safe but the fact they set sail without charts, in an unseaworthy boat and without any real understanding of conditions certainly hampered the rescue efforts.

“This incident would not have occurred had the vessel been in a seaworthy condition and the skipper possessed the necessary equipment and knowledge. It is an offence to take an unseaworthy vessel to sea and an investigation into the incident is continuing.”

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