Media release

Search for Missing Person - Virginia


Police hold concerns for 64-year-old missing woman Patricia Hastie, last seen in Virginia yesterday evening.

Senior Sergeant Louise Jorgensen said Mrs Hastie, a dementia sufferer, left her home at around 6:15pm and has not been seen since.

“Police from the Dog Operations Unit, Mounted Patrol Unit, Territory Response Group, Metropolitan Patrol Group, and General Duties as well as NT Emergency Service volunteers attended and searched the area throughout the night, however Mrs Hastie remains outstanding,” Senior Sergeant Jorgensen said.

“She is described to be of Caucasian appearance, approximately 150cm tall, slim build and has grey hair. She was last seen wearing purple shorts and a grey shirt with an ice coffee logo on the front.

“Police urge anyone who may see Mrs Hastie, to contact them on 131 444.”