Media release

Search for Missing Person - Virginia - Update 3


Northern Territory Police have resumed the search for 64 year-old Patricia Hastie, who went missing from her Virginia residence on Wednesday, May 29th.

Superintendent Matt Hollamby said Police will be utilising a helicopter, horses, motor bikes and quad bikes as well as extensive foot patrols in the search area today.

“We have 23 teams conducting grid searches this morning in an effort to locate Mrs Hastie and we continue to hope she is found safe and well.

“The response from the public has been very positive and we ask that residents of the area remain vigilant to clues of her whereabouts.

“Being a Saturday we ask locals and visitors alike to be aware of the search in progress, drive carefully in the areas that Police are operating and to please report any sighting, or information that may assist the search, immediately to Police on 131 444.

“Police would like to thank members from NTES, Surf Life Saving and Volunteer Firefighters for their assistance.”