Media release

Keep safe during Finke Police


Alice Springs Police are urging everyone involved in the Finke Desert Race to take a moment to consider their own safety and the safety of others during the weekend event.

Sergeant Conan Robertson from Southern Traffic Operations said the annual race was becoming bigger and an increasingly popular international spectacle.

“Police will be working closely with event officials and organisers again this year to ensure everyone has a fun, but more importantly, safe time.

“We want spectators to ensure they obey all road rules that apply to the area, do not drink and drive, be respectful to people around you and to leave the racing to the competitors.

Sergeant Robertson said every year there were great stories of success and perseverance from competitors but sadly there were an equal amount of stories of stupidity and injury from spectators.

“In the last few years we have had people riding in the back of utes, being towed behind cars on makeshift sleds, driving unroadworthy vehicles, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and doing burnouts through campsites and on the track.

“Not only are these people facing prosecution they are facing the very real possibility of spending their weekend in hospital nursing serious injuries.”

Sergeant Robertson said the race area will be considered a public place during the event and people will be legally liable for inappropriate, unlawful or anti-social behaviour.

“If you are doing the wrong thing you will attract the attention of Police.”

“Race officials will be positioned along the track and people should heed advice on safety, campsite and viewing positions.”

Sergeant Robertson said Police hope people have an enjoyable and safe weekend and stay mindful of the risks that motor sports present.

“All we want is for people to behave in a responsible manner to ensure everyone has a safe weekend, we will be maintaining a highly visible presence and request anyone who may witness anti-social or dangerous behaviour to report the incident to Police immediately.”