Media release

Police thank Finke crowds


Northern Territory Police report there were no significant incidents reported over the Finke Desert Race weekend and the overall crowd behaviour of people attending the event was very good.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said Police were busy over the weekend attending three crashes, a stolen vehicle report, a missing person incident and assisting in the recovery of injured race drivers.

“It was a long weekend for Police but the professionalism displayed by Officers went a long way to ensuring the majority of people had a fun, safe weekend.

“Unfortunately the drink driving message still appears to have not registered with some people.”

Police conducted in excess of 2,500 random breath tests throughout the weekend, 10 drivers were charged for driving under the influence of alcohol, 70 drivers received traffic infringement notices, three vehicles were found to be defective and one car was seized for hooning.

Sergeant Robertson said Police responded to a total of 142 reports with the most concerning being two males aged 22 and 26 riding unroadworthy, unregistered bikes.

“Both failed alcohol breath tests, both were not wearing helmets and both were not licensed to ride motorbikes.

“On an unsealed road that was at the time heavily populated by traffic these two were lucky they were apprehended by Police before they were seriously injured.”

“Overall, Police believe the behaviour of the vast majority of the crowd has improved to the point where the Finke Desert Race can truly claim to be a family friendly, fun and safe international spectacle.”