Media release

Operation Spectre - Cannabis Haul - Katherine


A couple, both aged in their 40s will appear in court today in relation to a potential multi million dollar drug seizure in Katherine.

The drugs with an estimated commercial value between approximately $350,000 and $400,000 have the potential value, if sold in remote communities, to return well in excess of two million dollars. 

Acting Commander Tony Fuller from the Crime and Specialist Service Command said Police conducted a targeted apprehension on a vehicle on the Stuart Highway outside of Katherine on Saturday.

“Police searched the Toyota utility and located approximately 27kg of cannabis secreted in a 44 gallon drum, as well as 4 grams of methamphetamine,” Acting Commander Fuller said.

“Detectives searched a home in Humpty Doo later that same day, and located a further traffickable amount of cannabis, a small amount of methamphetamine, cash and other drug related paraphernalia.”

A 45-year-old man and 47-year-old woman were charged with:

Possess cannabis – Commercial quantity
Possess cannabis – Trafficable quantity
Possess schedule two drug – Methamphetamine – Trafficable
Possess schedule two drug – Methamphetamine
Possess tainted property.

“Given the elaborate nature of the concealment, we believe these two have been involved in the distribution of drugs for some time. These drugs cause significant harm in our communities and it is great work on behalf of Police that they are now facing court for their actions."