Media release

Missing Woman Carlie Sinclair - CCTV request


Northern Territory Detectives investigating the suspicious disappearance of Ms Sinclair from Parap on Tuesday 18 June are appealing to members of the public and business owners who may have private CCTV footage to offer it up to Police.

Acting Commander Tony Fuller from Crime and Specialist Services Command said they were looking for any images from the 18th and 19th of June taken in the Parap or Stuart Park area.

“In particular we are looking for images from the vicinity of Beaurepairs in Parap to Henry Street in Stuart Park and all areas in between.

“Police have already collected a large volume of CCTV images from the city out to Noonamah which is being forensically examined.  While we have doorknocked many private residences around the city suburbs we are asking for anyone who has CCTV footage to offer any images they may have.”

Members of the public with any information about Carlie Sinclair or have CCTV vision that may assist Detectives are asked to contact Police on 131 444 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.