Media release

Cannabis Seized - Alyangula


Three women aged 29, 34 and 44, have been charged with drug offences following the seizure of over 500grams of cannabis in Alyangula.

Senior Sergeant Tony Deutrom said Police attended Groote Eylandt airport at around 5pm on Tuesday 9 July to conduct routine screenings of passengers.

“Police located and seized 13 parcels of cannabis concealed underneath the women’s clothing, totalling 546gms.”

Two of the women were arrested and charged with possess cannabis – trafficable quantity and supply dangerous drug in community. They will appear in Alyangula Court on 21 August 2013.

A third woman has been summoned to appear in Alyangula court on 21 August 2013.

“Police estimate the value of cannabis could have fetched $56,000 if sold in remote communities,” Senior Sergeant Deutrom said.

“Whole of community is affected by illicit substances, and it is a real shame that some individuals continue to seek personal gain from the distress caused by these substances.

“Local Police have built up a strong intelligence network and we will continue to target those that supply and traffic illicit substances into our communities.”