Media release

Four Youths Arrested - Northern Suburbs


Members from Strike Force Trident have arrested four youths in relation to a series of property offences in the Northern Suburbs.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Bland said three males aged 14 and a 13-year-old female allegedly used spray paint to graffiti a number of parked vehicles, footpaths and fences in Millner and Rapid Creek around 1am on 16 July.

“Police allege the youths unlawfully entered a Ford Falcon on Sabine Road and stole a wallet, iPhone and passport.

“The youths then allegedly stole tools from a utility on Ryland Road and used them to unlawfully enter a unit in Rapid Creek. The offenders allegedly stole a wallet, cash, two mobile phones and a set of car keys from inside the residence.”

The four youths were arrested yesterday and charged with a number of offences including:

Damage to property


Stealing from a motor vehicle

Aggravated unlawfully enter dwelling

Aggravated unlawful entry of occupied dwelling at night

Unlawful use of motor vehicle

Interfere with a motor vehicle.

 They have been remanded in custody and will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on Friday 19 July.