Media release

Roofing Scam Alert - Darwin


NT Police warn of a roof painting scam, with new information to suggest at least two men involved are now in Darwin.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Bland said NT Police have received reports of men approaching people and offering to paint their roof.

“The men have business cards and branded ‘work’ vehicles and are charging up to several thousand dollars,” Detective Senior Sergeant Bland said.

“It is believed that once the men receive payment, they leave, without lifting a finger, or will complete some work and then charge the unsuspecting customers more money for unexpected ‘problems’.

“We have information to suggest these men, aged 45 and 47, have been involved in this type of scam for some time, even defrauding a number of people in New Zealand over the years.

“At this stage, thankfully, there are no reports to suggest any Territorians have been duped by these men; however Police urge people to be vigilant.

“They have been pulling off this scam for years and are quite believable.

“Should you be approached by anyone offering to conduct work on your roof, please decline and contact Police on 131 444 with as much detail about the people as possible.”