Media release

Operation Firangi - Tennant Creek


Tennant Creek Police have made five arrests on the first two days of Operation Firangi.

Detective Sergeant Andrew Bedwell from the Tennant Creek Investigation Unit said the operation was targeting property crime, violent crime and anti-social behaviour in Tennant Creek and surrounds.

“For a town of 3,000 people we are unfortunately the victim of a disproportionately high number of violent crimes, much of which is related to the abuse of alcohol.  This operation is designed to work with the people of Tennant Creek to target recidivist offenders, identify victims and involve the community in assisting us reduce associated crime.”

Detective Sergeant Bedwell said the operation will run until the end of September and will involve all areas of Policing in the town.

“This is a coordinated effort that will ensure Police not only play a response role but will see an increased presence of patrols conducting high visibility checks around Tennant Creek to deter any anti-social or violent behaviour.

“The presence of these high visibility patrols will enable the local population to assist Police with information and provide comfort and security to victims of crime.”

Detective Sergeant Bedwell said the arrest of five juveniles in the first two days of operations was a welcome start.

“The five male youths, aged 13, 13, 14, 14 and 15 were alleged to have been involved in several property offences over the past fortnight and have been charged with aggravated unlawful entry, criminal damage and stealing.

“They have been bailed to appear at the Tennant Creek Youth Justice Court on August 26.”

Detective Sergeant Bedwell said more arrests were expected for property crimes and Operation Firangi would also target alcohol and violence related crimes over the coming weeks.