Media release

Graduation Parade - 30 New Constables Hit the Street


After 30 weeks of training, 30 new Police Constables from Recruit Squad 120 will march out to join the ranks of the Northern Territory Police Force tonight.

The graduation parade will commence at 6pm at the Police Training College parade ground, Peter McAulay Centre, Berrimah.

Recruited from across the country, Assistant Commissioner People Services Jeanette Kerr said the new Constables, 21 men and 9 women, had proven to be a determined group who have now reached the point in their professional development that they can relatively independently undertake the roles and responsibilities of Constable.

“The recruits have already undertaken a number of operational policing operations beyond the College, undertaking public order operations at the Darwin Cup, traffic operations, and community engagement initiatives, they also assisted the Salvation Army with the annual Red Shield Appeal Door Knock.

“Policing between Cultures forms a large component of the curriculum, and all recruits were fortunate enough to participate in a cultural camp at the communities of Beswick and Burunga as part of their training, where they undertook a range of engagement initiatives to teach them partnership problem solving with communities in regard to community safety initiatives.

Completing core competencies such as legislation, Domestic violence and offences against the person; Weapons and firearms offences; Respect, equity and diversity; Dishonesty and property offences; Persons in care and custody; Customer service; Wellbeing and self-care; Mental health and suicide prevention; Driver training; Operational safety and tactics training; Ethical conduct; and Road policing, all contribute to the completion of the Diploma of Public Safety (Policing), which they will be awarded today.

The new Constables will be stationed across the Territory with 12 officers posted to Alice Springs, eight posted to Katherine, six to Tennant Creek and four to the greater Darwin area.