Media release

Youths Charged with 43 Offences - Darwin


Detectives from Strike Force Trident have charged three male youths in relation to 43 property offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said a 13-year-old and two 14-year-olds allegedly unlawfully entered a number of homes and vehicles in Bakewell on 29 September and stole property.

“Police allege the offenders also stole a Holden Commodore nearby and conducted burnouts at an oval in Anula. The offenders fled the scene when they spotted Police patrolling the area.

“General Duties Police located and arrested two of the youths a short time later.  The third youth was arrested by Trident members later that day at his Karama residence.”

The youths were charged with a number of offences including:

Stealing (x11)

Damage to property (x10)

Trespass on premises (x10)

Aggravated enter dwelling with intent to commit offence (x3)

Unlawful use of motor vehicle (x2)

Breach of bail (x2)

Two of the youths were remanded in custody and will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court today.

The third youth will be summonsed to court at a later date.

“Police will continue to target this type of offending. It is a timely reminder for people to ensure their houses and vehicles are secure and valuables are stored in a safe place,” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said.