Media release

Five Youths Arrested - Tennant Creek


Police have arrested five youths following a series of unlawful entries and property offences in Tennant Creek.

Superintendent Craig Barrett said the five male youths, two aged 11, two aged 13 and a 12 year-old allegedly broke into a number of businesses and properties earlier this month.

“The youths allegedly broke into three businesses and two residences and stole soft drinks, cash, two bikes and caused tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.”

Two youths aged 11 and 13 have been charged with:

Criminal damage (x4)

Aggravated unlawful entry (x3)

Stealing (x2)

Home Invasion


They will appear in Tennant Creek Youth Justice Court on 4 November 2013.

Three males aged 11, 12 and 13 have received Youth Diversion.

“Police in Tennant Creek will not tolerate this type of offending and will continue to target those who engage in this unlawful activity,” Superintendent Craig Barrett said.

“Members of the community can also help by ensuring your properties are locked and secure and valuable items are stored in a safe place.

“Community safety is everyone’s business.”