Media release

Five Youths Charged with 52 Offences - Darwin


Detectives from Strike Force Trident have charged five youths with 52 property offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the five youths, two 14-year-old females and three males, two aged 13 and a 15-year-old were allegedly involved in a $196,000 property crime spree over the weekend.

“Strike Force Trident Detectives recovered all of the stolen property and arrested the youths hiding in residences in Gray and Wulagi.”

The youths were charged with a number of property offences including:

Aggravated unlawfully enter dwelling (x12)

Unlawful use of motor vehicle (x9)

Stealing (x17)

Damage property (x5)

And a number of traffic related offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said this is a good clear up for Police.

“It is quite concerning for us to have groups of kids running around at night breaking into peoples homes and stealing cars. It is surprising they have not injured themselves or others with this type of irresponsible behaviour.”

The five youths have been remanded in custody and will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on Tuesday 29 October.