Media release

Operation Disrupts Significant Drug Supply Chain - Bayview


Northern Territory Police have disrupted an organised crime drug supply chain, with the arrest of a 28-year-old man for possession of a commercial quantity of methamphetamine.

Assistant Commissioner Reece Kershaw, Crime and Specialist Services, said the man was arrested by Drug and Organised Crime Detectives in possession of an estimated $400,000 worth of methamphetamine.

“Police will allege 264 grams of methamphetamine was found in the man’s possession, and a subsequent search of his residence allegedly uncovered cash and a quantity of steroids.”

Assistant Commissioner Kershaw said this operation has resulted in the prevention of a significant amount of this dangerous drug being distributed in the community.

“Police will continue to target both individuals and criminal organisations involved in trafficking, supply and possession of dangerous drugs, with a no tolerance approach.”

The 28-year-old man has been remanded to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court today.