Media release

Police Target Traffic Offenders – Darwin and Palmerston


Police issued more than 40 Infringement Notices in a short campaign targeting traffic offenders in Darwin and Palmerston yesterday.

Acting Senior Sergeant Craig Dunlop of the Darwin Traffic Operations Section said the campaign, targeting red light breaches and those failing to obey ‘Stop’ signs, ran between 7:30am and 11:00am.

“In just three and a half hours, Police issued 46 Traffic Infringement Notices for these offences and issued a further 22 notices for other traffic offences,” Acting Senior Sergeant Dunlop said.

“Shortly after 11:00am, Traffic Officers attended a motor vehicle crash in which the victim is believed to have ignored a ‘Stop’ sign, failed to give way and drove into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

“Many people think that stopping at a ‘Stop’ sign is optional or that it is safe to proceed through a red light if the path is clear. This is not the case!

“Stopping at both a red traffic light and a ‘Stop’ sign is the law and Police will continue targeting these types of offenders in a bid to educate the public, whilst reducing road trauma on our roads.”