Media release

Patricia Brennan Award Presented to Detective Sergeant Isobel Cummins


Last night, Detective Sergeant Isobel Cummins was announced as the winner of the 2013 Patricia Brennan Award

This prestigious award recognises significant contribution to women in the Police, Fire and Emergency Services.

Commissioner and CEO of the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, John McRoberts APM, said this was an esteemed award.

"I congratulate Isobel on this significant achievement that recognises her outstanding contribution to women within the tri-service. She is a passionate and dedicated Police Officer who inspires not only women but her male peers, subordinates and supervisors with her dedication, professionalism and compassion when investigating crimes.

“Through her own hard work and dedication, Isobel has become one of the most respected and dependable Police Officers in the Northern Territory. She inspires others to achieve what she has achieved, simply through her actions as a respected and dedicated professional,” he said.

Detective Sergeant Cummins joined the Northern Territory Police Force in July 1997. With 17 years in the Police Force and 15 years working in the Crime Command, Detective Sergeant Cummins has worked on a number of high profile major crimes and is also an experienced Disaster Victim Identification practitioner.

Detective Sergeant Isobel Cummins was humbled when she was nominated for the award.

“I am both privileged and honoured to be the recipient of this award.  This award is a testament to my colleagues and I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance I have received over the years from my colleagues and peers.

“It is an honour to be recognised as having contributed to the support and encouragement of women within our agency.  There are so many dedicated professionals working amongst us, many of whom are quiet achievers, I am truly delighted to be the 2013 recipient of this award. Thank you,” said Detective Sergeant Cummins.