Media release

Operation Unite: A National Police Blitz on Alcohol-Fuelled Violence


Northern Territory Police will again join forces for the seventh time with their interstate and New Zealand counterparts for this weekend’s Operation Unite.

Commander Jeanette Kerr said this high visibility united policing operation will target alcohol misuse, violence, crime and anti-social behaviour.

“The ANZPAA coordinated operation will be conducted in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 December,” Commander Jeanette Kerr said.

Last year this successful operation in the Territory saw 170 people taken into protective custody, 34 arrests for drug and alcohol related incidents and 436 litres of alcohol tipped out.

The 48 hour operation also saw more than 1,800 drivers breath tested and 35 arrests for drink driving offences.

“Numerous Officers will be involved, including General Duties, Traffic Operations, Metropolitan Patrol Group (MPG) and both the Dog Operations Unit and Mounted Police Unit.

“Police will use this weekend to highlight the risk of injury, assault and violence associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

“All Territorians are urged to take this opportunity to think about their behaviour when out drinking and consider the potential consequences of their actions, long after the night is over”.

“Police will be patrolling entertainment areas and licensed premises and will utilise Random Breath Testing stations to target people who continue to ignore the risk to their lives, and others, by drink driving”.

“If you are planning to head out this weekend, plan your trip. If you are having a few drinks, nominate a Sober Bob, catch a taxi or make other arrangements to be picked up.”

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