Media release

Firearm, Drugs Seized - Gray


Two men aged 28 and 35 will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court today in relation to firearm and drug offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer from Strike Force Trident said Police were at a residence in Gray yesterday morning.  A search was conducted on a vehicle and a semi-automatic handgun with a loaded magazine was located.

“Police also located and seized a quantity of ammunition and a silencer in a toolbox in the vehicle. The 35-year-old was searched and a less than trafficable quantity of amphetamine was found in his pocket.”

The 28-year-old was charged with:

Fail to comply with storage requirements

Possess firearm without a licence

Possess ammunition without a permit or licence

Possess a firearm with altered ID marks

Possess silencer.

The 35-year-old was charged with:

Possess schedule 1 dangerous drug.

Both men were remanded in custody.