Media release

Drugs Seized - Darwin


Police have seized more than 200 grams of cannabis after screening passengers on a charter flight from Darwin to Goulburn Island over the weekend.

Detective Senior Sergeant Peter Schiller from the Drug and Organised Crime Squad said Drug Detector Dog Viper gave a positive reaction to box of cereal.

“Police seized the item and located 200 grams of cannabis individually packaged into 1 gram bags.

“Police estimate that if the cannabis was sold in a remote community it could fetch in excess of $20,000.

“Drug Detector Dog Viper also gave a positive reaction to a 58-year-old female passenger. Police located and seized four grams of cannabis concealed underneath the woman’s clothing.

“She was issued with a Notice To Appear for possess a dangerous drug in a public place.

“Police will continue to target the flow of drugs into remote communities especially during the holiday period.”

The drugs will now be destroyed.