Media release

Operation Crossroads – Cracking Down on Drink Drivers This Festive Season


NT Police are taking part in the sixth Operation Crossroads this festive season, in a bid to reduce road trauma on Territory roads.

Acting Superintendent John Worrall said the ANZPAA coordinated operation begins today and will target drink and drug drivers across the whole of Australia and New Zealand.

“Nationwide statistics on average show 37% of all fatal crashes on Australian roads involved alcohol and/or drugs,” A/Superintendent Worrall said.

“Moderating your alcohol intake or arranging alternative transport can mean the difference between life and death. It really is that simple.

“NT Police conducted 3,168 breath tests in the last week alone and with the launch of the operation today, these numbers are set to soar.

“If you’re driving this festive season, the odds are highly likely that you will be seeing us and I can tell you now; this is not a gamble that will pay off for you.

“The Christmas period last year saw one fatal crash in the Territory and 57 across Australia and New Zealand. That is 57 families whose holidays were destroyed and lives were changed forever.

“Fatal and serious crashes can be caused by a number of other factors including speed, failure to wear seatbelts, fatigue, inattention and anti-social driving. Police will also be conducting patrols, targeting these types of offences.

“The message is simple: Don’t drink or drug drive, don’t speed, wear your seatbelt, pay attention, drive considerately and if you’re tired, have a rest prior to getting behind the wheel and plan rest stops during long journeys.

“With numerous people travelling in and out of the Territory by road this holiday season, we urge everyone to take these messages on board and to act accordingly.

“Let’s take responsibility for our own actions and all have a safe and Merry Christmas and New Year.”

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