Media release

Youths Charged with 110 Offences - Darwin


Strike Force Trident members have charged two females aged 15 and 13 and three males, aged 14, 15 and 16 in relation to 110 property offences. Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the youths committed

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the youths committed the offences between 24 December and 30 December 2013.

“Police allege the offenders unlawfully entered a number of homes, causing damage and stealing property valued at over $200,000. 

“The youths stole seven cars, one of which was used to drive to Mt Isa.

“Police will continue to target this type of offending.  It is a timely reminder for people to ensure their houses and vehicles are secure and valuables are stored in a safe place.” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said.

Charges included:

Unlawful entry (x 30)

Stealing (x 40)

Unlawful use of a motor vehicle (x 30)

Trespass on premises (x 3)

Aggravated enter dwelling to commit offence (x 3)

The youths will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court today.