Media release

Two Youths Charged - Northern Suburbs


Detectives from Strike Force Trident have charged two 15-year-old males in relation to the theft of a motor vehicle in Karama on Saturday.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Matt Akers said the youths allegedly attended at a residence in Karama at around 4:30am and stole a Toyota Hilux.

“The youths allegedly drove the Toyota Hilux around the Northern Suburbs before crashing the vehicle in Rapid Creek, fleeing the scene.

“Police located the vehicle rolled at the corner of Ryland Road and McMillians Road.”

The two youths were arrested yesterday.

The 15-year-old was charged with:

Aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Drive motor vehicle whilst unlicensed

Fail to report a traffic accident.

The other 15-year-old has been charged with aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

Both will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on 4 February 2014.

“Strike Force Trident will continue to target offending of this nature, we are fortunate that this incident did not end in serious injury to either the occupants in the vehicle or other, innocent road users,” Detective A/Senior Sergeant Akers said.