Media release

Search and Rescue - Alyangula


Alyangula Police located a group of eight people safe and well yesterday after they activated the distress beacon in their vessel.

Senior Sergeant Tony Deutrom from Alyangula Police Station said the group departed Numbulwar on route to Alyangula when they ran out of fuel and became adrift in the inclement weather and strong tidal flows.

“Water Police coordinated a response involving Alyangula Police, Groote Eylandt Emergency Services and Anindiliyakwa Sea Rangers to locate and recover the persons from the distressed vessel.

“The vessel was found adrift and due to the strong current was being pushed north towards Blue Mud Bay; persons on board were located safe and well.

“This was an excellent outcome, and comes as a timely reminder for people to prepare for their journey, have enough food and water, notify family members of your travel plans and always carry correct safety equipment.”