Media release

Police and Rangers Search for Missing Boy - Jabiru


Police and Park Rangers are currently conducting a search and rescue operation to locate a 12-year-old boy, believed to have been taken by a crocodile outside of Jabiru this afternoon.

Acting Commander Michael White of the Northern Command said at approximately 2:15pm Police were alerted to an incident at Mudginberri Billabong, 20km west of Jabiru.

“It is believed the 12-year-old boy was taken by a crocodile as he and a number of other young boys were swimming in the billabong,” Acting Commander White said.

“One other boy, also aged 12, was bitten on the arm by the crocodile and has received medical treatment from attending St John Ambulance members.

“Police and Park Rangers are currently conducting searches by boat and land and will continue into the night.”

Further information will be provided when available.