Media release

Bike helmet safety program a success in Nhulunbuy


Nhulunbuy Police Station hosted a community barbeque last Friday to celebrate another successful bike helmet safety campaign.

Senior Sergeant Brendan Muldoon said the safety campaign aims to encouraging children to wear bike helmets, children who were seen wearing a helmet over the school holidays were given a raffle ticket.

“This is the 3rd year the program has run with more than 600 raffle tickets handed out.

“There was a noticeable increase in the number of children wearing helmets and the community has generously supported the initiative.

“A presentation and barbeque was held at the Nhulunbuy Police Station and prizes were given to the winners, congratulations to Jacob Mery who won the major prize of an iPod.

“Thank you to all the local businesses and clubs who donated over $2000 in prizes,” said Senior Sergeant Muldoon.

Photos courtesy of Arafura Times.

Pic 1: Senior Sergeant Brendan Muldoon with the major prize winner, Jacob Mery.

Pic 2: Nikki Cuperus collecting her prize from Senior Sergeant Brendan Muldoon

Pic 3: Kids with their prizes

Pic 4: Nhulunbuy Police Officers manning the BBQ