Media release

Missing Person Search - Kalkarindji


Police hold concerns for 14-year-old missing girl, last seen attempting to cross the flooded Wattie Creek Saturday evening.

Superintendent Kylie Proctor said information was received around 9.00pm last night that three teenage girls had attempted to cross the flooded Wattie Creek somewhere between Wattie Creek Crossing and Daguragu community. 

“The alert was raised after two girls made it across to Daguragu and were able to notify family and Police. 

“Kalkarindji Police Officers initiated a search assisted by numerous community members, however were unable to locate the missing girl.

“The search resumed at first light this morning with Kalkarindji Police Officers coordinating a land search with NTES personnel, community members, two helicopters and a quad bike and Police Officers from Lajamanu utilising the NTES flood boat to try and locate the missing girl.

“Territory Response Group Officers have also been deployed to the area to assist with coordinating the search.” Superintendent Proctor said.

This incident is a stark reminder for all people to exercise extreme caution in areas where creeks and river heights have experienced a significant increase due to recent heavy rainfall.

No further information at this stage.