Media release

Two Youth Charged With 47 Offences - Alice Springs


Detectives from Strike Force Vega have charged two youth with 47 offences following a crime spree in Gillen on the weekend.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Leith Phillips said the offenders allegedly stole a Hyundai hatchback from a residence and crashed the vehicle on a nearby street on Saturday evening.

“The offenders allegedly interfered with a further four vehicles and a scooter and stole a mobile phone, portable DVD player, tools and a jacket.

“Police allege the two offenders unlawfully entered two residences and smashed a window at one of the houses.

“During the crime spree residents in Gillen were alerting one another via social media about vehicles being broken into in the area. Two of the victims went outside after reading the post and caught the alleged offenders trying to break into their vehicles.

“This is one example of social media being a useful tool where members of the public have been able to check their property and then make reports to Police. This assisted in the quick apprehension of the youth and the recovery of stolen property.”

The 15-year-old was charged with:

Trespass on premises (x6)

Interfere with a motor vehicle (x4)

Stealing (x4)

Unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Aggravated enter dwelling with intent

Damage to property

Drive unlicensed.

The 14-year-old has been charged with:

Trespass on premises (x7)

Stealing (x6)

Interfere with a motor vehicle (x5)

Aggravated enter dwelling with intent (x3)

Attempted unlawful use of a motor vehicle (x2)

Damage to property

Drive unlicensed.

The two youth were bailed to appear in Alice Springs Youth Justice Court today.