Media release

Methamphetamine Seizure - Darwin


Drug and Organised Crime Squad Members have arrested a 47-year-old man after allegedly discovering methamphetamine and other paraphernalia in his luggage.

Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Board from the Drugs and Organised Crime Squad said the man had arrived by aircraft from the eastern states.

“The man was subsequently apprehended by Detectives at the airport and subjected to a search.”

“Detectives seized 48 grams of methamphetamine in two plastic bags, two tablets, a vial of steroids, a set of digital scales and four mobile telephones.

“This is a reminder for those who think they can make a quick dollar and possess commercial quantities of these drugs, that when you are caught you are potentially facing a maximum sentence of 25 years imprisonment.” Detective Senior Sergeant Board said.

The man has been charged with possession of a commercial quantity of a schedule one drug, possession of a schedule two drug and possession of poison.

He has been remanded to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court today.